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 The events are as follows:

Wednesday, April 22nd: Earth Day Rally and Presentation with Professor Michael Smith (12pm-1pm in the Klingenstein Lounge in Campus Center)

Thursday, April 23rd: Earth Week Bonfire (7:30pm-9:30pm, Athletic Quad (between campus center and fitness center))

Friday, April 24th: Permaculture Garden Tour (1pm-2pm, Permaculture Garden by Williams Hall)

Saturday, April 25th: Gorge Hike (Meet at 2pm in Parking Lot behind Park School)

Sunday, April 26th: End the Trade Benefit Concert (7pm-9:30pm, IC Square/the Pub, $5)

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Joshua Kelly at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

IC Progressives presents Earth Week Events! | 0 Comments |
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