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Seniors are you one of 476?

Contributed by Alyssa Cooper on 04/23/15 

If you've made your senior class gift then the answer is YES! And we thank YOU!

If not, then you only have ONE WEEK left to give back and make sure that current and future students have access to the same high quality, hands-on learning opportunities that you've been privileged to enjoy at IC.

You can make your gift at or stop by 119A Alumni Hall and drop it off to our adviser, Alyssa Cooper.

Thanks! We greatly appreciate your support!

2015 Senior Class Gift Committee
Stephen Burns
Courtney Caprara
Sarah Czwartacky
Eric Gottschalk
Claire Farrell
Matthew Hadley
Chelsea Hartman
Greg Johnson
Stephanie Khoury, co-chair
Emily Kilbourn-Shear
Kristen Mansfield, secretary
Megan O'Brien
Mia O'Brien
Hannah Oppenheim, co-chair
Camden Weber
Annie Yuen

Seniors are you one of 476? | 0 Comments |
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