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ICC Courses--Seats Still Available!

Contributed by Dan Breen on 04/23/15 

The Department of English is offering several ICC courses in the fall 0f 2015.  These include ICC Themes courses (all within the HU perspective), Diversity Courses, and Writing Intensive courses.  Follow the department on Twitter (@ICEnglishDept) for real-time updates on seat availability, and see the department's webpage for full course descriptions.  What follows is a list of English ICC courses in which seats are still available, as of 12am Friday, April 24.

 Themes and Perspectives Courses:
--All English courses are offered within the Humanities perspective

ENGL 19401 Novel Identities, Fictional Selves
--ICC Theme: Identities

ENGL 19402 “Oh Cruel World”: The Literary Character in Crisis
--ICC Theme: Mind, Body, Spirit

ENGL 19406 The Search for Self in Short Stories
--ICC Theme: Identities

ENGL 19410 Engendering Modernity: Twentieth-Century Women Writers
--ICC Theme: Identities

ENGL 19413 The Blood is the Life: Vampire Literature
--ICC Theme: Mind, Body, Spirit

ENGL 19415 Ithaca: The Art of Place
--ICC Themes: Inquiry, Imagination, and Innovation; A World of Systems

ENGL 21900 Shakespeare
--ICC Themes: Identities and Inquiry, Imagination, and Innovation

Diversity Courses:

ENGL 19410 Engendering Modernity: Twentieth-Century Women Writers

Writing Intensive Courses:

ENGL 20100 Approaches to Literary Study
ENGL 23200 Medieval Literature
ENGL 31100 Dramatic Literature I

Please contact the chair of the department of English, Dan Breen (607-274-1014; if you have any questions. Best of luck planning your schedules for next semester!

ICC Courses--Seats Still Available! | 0 Comments |
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