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Prof. Rossen discusses his work in New York and Hawai’i at spring 2015 archaeology forums

Is the Future Here Yet?:  Comparisons and Inspirations from Indigenous Archaeology in New York State and Hawai’i. Annual Meeting, New York State Archaeological Association, Watertown, NY. May 2. 

This paper, co-authored with Kathleen Kawelu of the University of Hawai'i at Hilo, discusses the relative development of collaboration with Native peoples in two settings and encourages New York archaeologists to boost their efforts.


Agriculture and Intersite Space in the Ancient Haudenosaunee World. Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology. San Francisco. April 16. 

This paper discussed the cumulative information on site distributions and sizes of the ancient landscape around Cayuga Lake. In contrast to the dominant narrative of continual warfare, the settlement pattern evidence indicates a peaceful landscape of large and small undefended sites, outlying longhouses, and agricultural stations with feasting grounds.  

Together, these two papers display different aspects of indigenous archaeology: (1) the collaboration with Native nations and peoples and (2) the ongoing attention to detail in scientific archaeology.


Jack Rossen, Anthropology Department, presents at national and regional conferences | 0 Comments |
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