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The Creative Space Gallery — a new exhibit space on the downtown Ithaca Commons — will hold a grand opening reception for its first installation on Friday, May 1 from 5–8 p.m. Located at 215 E. State St., the gallery is free and open to the public. Regular gallery hours are Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 5 p.m., with the inaugural exhibit running through May 17.

Titled “In Theories,” the show features work from more than a dozen Ithaca College student artists across a variety of different mediums, including painting, printmaking, video, drawing and sculpture.

It is the culmination of the Theories of Art Practice seminar, taught by assistant professor of art Bill Hastings. In addition to creating the art work, the students are preparing and installing the exhibition, marketing it and meeting with the public during open gallery hours. 

“The seminar focuses on preparing students in their senior or junior years for careers in art,” says Hastings. “By handling all aspects of the show, the class is gaining first-hand experience in learning what it takes to run a gallery space. This inaugural exhibition will kick off a series of upcoming events in this year-round space.”

Featuring live music and refreshments, the opening reception is taking place in conjunction with First Friday Gallery Night, a monthly walkable tour of local galleries and art houses in and around downtown Ithaca.

To view the event on the College's Event Calendar, click here.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Bill Hastings at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Student Artists Exhibit Work at New Creative Space Gallery | 0 Comments |
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