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More volunteers are needed for the Pippi to Ripley Festival at IC this weekend. Early registrations for this science fiction, fantasy and comics event are high, so we folks for one hour shifts to help with kids' crafts and face painting.

If you can help, bring a friend and craft or nerd it up to your heart's content! Contact Prof. Katharine Kittredge at as soon as possible to sign up for a shift! In addition to youth programs, the festival features: ITHACON, the Ithaca Comic Books Convention; an academic conference on science fiction, fantasy, comics, graphic novels, film, television, and children's and young adult literatures; and The Tori Cup, a sci-fi, fantasy, comics and more quiz competition. Full line up can be found at:

Volunteer for Kid Crafts and Face Painting! Sat, May 2 | 0 Comments |
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