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Ithaca College has had a very successful partnership with Longview, a retirement community located on Danby Road, for the past 15 years. Part of this relationship has involved an ongoing Faculty & Staff Lecture Series at Longview.



These one hour presentations are held in the Longview auditorium. They are informal and can be on a wide range of subjects, including: academic topics; the arts; current events; and/or related to areas of personal interest, such as: sports; hobbies; or travel experiences.

Volunteers are needed for the following Wednesday evenings (7-8 PM): 

·         June 24th

·         July 22nd

·         August 26th

This is a great opportunity to share your passion and expertise on a topic with a very appreciative audience! 

Examples of presentations from the past year include:

  • Robot Caregivers: Wave of the Future?
  • A Trip to Amsterdam
  • What is Mathematical Magic?
  • The Social Contract
  • Musical Jokes
  • Speculations: A Reading of Original Poetry

Contact Chris Pogorzala, the IC/LV Coordinator at 274-1051 or if interested.



Speakers Needed for IC's Faculty & Staff Lecture Series at Longview For June, July & August | 0 Comments |
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