Patricia Zimmermann, professor of screen studies and, Dale Hudson, associate professor of film and new media at New York University Abu Dhabi, have published a new book, Thinking Through Digital Media: Transnational Environments and Locative Places (New York and London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2015).
Thinking through Digital Media offers a means of conceptualizing digital media by looking at projects that think through digital media, migrating between documentary, experimental, narrative, animation, video game, and live performance.
Hudson and Zimmermann analyze 130 projects at the intersections of imbedded technologies, transitory micropublics, human-machine interface, and critical cartographies to forward a set of speculations about how things work together rather than what they represent.
The book frames debates on participation/surveillance, outsourcing, global warming, migrations, GMOs, and war across some of the most dynamic, innovative sites for digital media, including Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya, Nigeria, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, and the United States.
A majority of the projects, artists, designers, coders, collaboratives, and collectives in the book have been featured at the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival in its international online exhibitions and as featured guests at the festival itself. Zimmermann is codirector of the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival. Hudson has served as curator of new media exhibitions for the festival for the last ten years.
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