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The Human Services Coalition is presenting a community workshop facilited by Dr. Paula Ioanide, Associate Professor, Center for the Study of Culture, Race & Ethnicity.

This workshop is intended for supervisors and anyone interested in how micro-aggressions and unconscious bias actually works on the job and what we can do about it.

MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015
9:00 am to 12:00 noon
Borg Warner Room of the Tompkins County Public Library
S Cayuga St at E Green St, Ithaca, NY

Fee $60 includes nutritious snacks and drinks. Click here for a full description.

Please feel free to contact Michelle Rios-Dominguez,, in the Office of Human Resources for more information about this event or to request funding assistance.


Community Learning Opportunity: FROM MICRO-AGGRESSIONS TO EQUITY | 0 Comments |
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