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Congratulations to Julianna Kittredge, winner of the inaugural Linden Award for Learning Portfolio Excellence!  Kittredge is a senior health sciences major with a nutrition concentration. During her time at Ithaca College, she has interned with the Cornell Cooperative Extension and has competed with the Ithaca College women’s crew team. 


Congratulations also to the two runners up in the competition, Hannah Andrick and Carin Pracht. Andrick is a public & community health and health sciences, pre-medical concentration double major who serves as a senior resident hall assistant and as wing commander of her Air Force ROTC unit. Pracht majored in health care management with a business administration minor and has been a leadership scholar and recipient of Phi Kappa Phi’s Raquib Zaman Award.


All three students publicly presented information from their portfolios on April 13th and will receive their prizes at the Senior Class Donor Luncheon in May. The purpose of the Linden Award is to annually recognize electronic portfolios that tell the student’s story, creating a platform for future iterations as learning continues through life. Portfolios focus on students’ integrative thinking, critical and analytical problem solving and reflective learning and were created by the students with guidance and mentoring from Ithaca College alumni. The award has been made possible by the generosity of Jay and Judith Linden.

Julianna Kittredge earns first prize in inaugural Linden Award for Learning Portfolio Excellence competition | 0 Comments |
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