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Consider taking Latin 101 to fulfill a language requirement, and for many other benefits.

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Elementary Latin I (CRN: 20697) LATN 10100-01, Fall 2015: Tue.-Th. 2:35-3:50

See below for more...

Elementary Latin I is being offered in the Fall (2015) on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2:35-3:50 (in Friends 209). The course is for beginners: no prior knowledge of Latin is required.

Read about the myths of ancient Rome in the original language.

Improve your vocabulary: over half the words in English are derived from Latin.

Improve your knowledge of English literature and History, both of which are deeply influenced by Roman thought and culture.

Latin will help you understand the specialized vocabulary of many different courses, including those offered by HSHP, Pre-law, and practically everything offered by the School of Humanities and Sciences—in fact, the words “Humanities” and “Sciences” are themselves derived from Latin: humanitates and scientiae!

When you take the course, you’ll be surprised at how much Latin you already know, and how much it influences everything around you.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Robert Ziomkowski (

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Elementary Latin I (CRN: 20697) LATN 10100-01

Need to study a language? How about taking Latin 101? | 0 Comments |
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