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"The earlier students start to explore careers, the more time they have to test out their interests, build essential skills. and gain exposure and experience in possible fields".

In "The job prob" in SH101

  • Discover 6 things you can do at your career center
  • Watch student videos ("bold or italics?", "adulting 101", and "interview win"

Also, be sure to check out the other great articles featured in this month's issue:

  • Students' stories (surviving sexual assault and other trauma) 
  • The parent pop quiz (helpful, hands-off or heliocopter?)
  • and many more!

Check it out here:

Have a good read!

Student Health 101 is a free e-magazine that covers a large range of topics including sleep, stress, nutrition, fitness, alcohol use and more!

Student Health 101 is sponsored by the Center for Health Promotion in the Center for Counseling, Health, and Wellness at Ithaca College. Questions or comments may be directed to Nancy Reynolds, Program Director.

"The job prob: How career services can help right now". Check it out in this month's issue ofStudent Health 101! | 0 Comments |
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