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Contributed by Jennifer Wofford on 05/07/15 

May session starts Tuesday, May 12, 2015. 

May session tuition is not included in the tuition already paid for the fall/spring semesters, and May session tuition is not included in your financial aid award package. Tuition for May session is billed in addition to fall/spring course work.

May session is billed per credit. Each credit hour for May session 2015 courses is $1,186.

Should you have any questions about billing or payment deadlines, contact Student Financial Services directly at (800) 429-4275 or (607) 274-3131. 

IC students can add a course, drop a course, or change their May session schedule right up until the first day of the May session, online using HomerConnect.

REMINDER: because the May session is much shorter than the standard fall/spring semester, the add/drop period is much shorter. 

The last day to drop a course without financial penalty and without receiving a W on your transcript is the first day of the May session, Tuesday, May 12, 2015.

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