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The Ithaca College School of Music is pleased to announce Professor Dr. Deborah Rifkin has been selected as the recipient of the Mary I. Arlin '61 Award for Distinguished Teaching in Undergraduate Music Theory.

The Mary Arlin Award, given every four years, recognizes outstanding and distinguished teaching in undergraduate music theory courses. It is intended to recognize an individual faculty member for sustained commitment to teaching and for teaching that demonstrates a sustained level of excellence.

Dr. Rifkin received nominations and letters of support from colleagues, students, and alumni. She is being recognized for her efforts toward continued growth in the field, excellence in the subject matter, the ability to inspire students in original and creative thinking, accessibility to students, expressed enthusiasm and vitality in teaching and learning.

Congratulations to Dr. Rifkin and our thanks to Mary Arlin for her continued support of the Ithaca College School of Music.

Recipient of the Mary I. Arlin '61 Award for Distinguished Teaching in Undergraduate Music Theory Announced | 1 Comments |
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Recipient of the Mary I. Arlin '61 Award for Distinguished Teaching inUndergraduate Music Theory Announced Comment from henderso on 05/19/15
Well-deserved and thanks to Deb for continuing Dr. Arlin's tradition of teaching excellence.