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Stephen Sweet, Associate Professor Sociology, has published a third edition of his book Changing Contours of Work: Jobs and Opportunities in the New Economy (forthcoming Sage, co-authored with Peter Meiksins, Professor of Sociology, Cleveland State University).

The book considers the extent that the organization of work has changed with the emergence of a new global economy, as well as persistent problems that relate to uneven allocation of jobs and earnings.  Included are analyses of changes in social mobility, gender inequalities, race inequalities, over-work/under-work, job insecurities, and work-family tensions.  The book focuses on the United States, but frames analyses to consider alternative ways of structuring opportunities as illustrated in Western European societies. The book concludes by considering policies that may prove to be more effective ways of allocating jobs and collective resources.

Stephen Sweet, Associate Professor Sociology, publishes book on work and opportunity | 0 Comments |
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