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Be a study subject - Earn $100

Contributed by Jackie Wandell on 06/15/15 

 We are conducting a study to measure exercise capacity in healthy, inactive adults during June & July.

If you qualify as a subject, you can earn $100 upon completion of the protocol.

Who is eligible? Adults between 30-65 years who are healthy and sedentary (you have no metabolic, cardiovascular, neuro-immune diseases or orthopedic limitations that would prohibit cycle exercise, and you do no regular, formal physical activity).

 What must you do?

  • You will complete 2 cycle exercise tests 24 hours apart. During the tests your blood pressure, electrocardiogram (ECG) and expired gases (air you breathe out) will be collected. 
  • Total exercise time per test is about 8-15 minutes.
  • You will also have a small amount of blood collected before and after each exercise test by venipuncture (from your arm).
  • Prior to the exercise tests you must complete some questionnaires about your health and activity level.

Where is the testing done? Ithaca College Wellness Clinic in the Center for Health Sciences

What will you get? A $100 Visa gift card, report of your test results, and your ECG.

How long will this take? The total time to complete each test session is about 60 minutes, for a total of 120 minutes.

How can I sign up or get more info?  Contact Betsy Keller, Dept. of Exercise & Sport Sciences, 274-1683,

Be a study subject - Earn $100 | 0 Comments |
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