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The Ithaca College Alumni Association is proud to announce the recipients of the 2015 Ithaca College alumni awards.

Members of the campus community and their guests are cordially invited to celebrate this year's award winners at the Alumni Association Recognition Dinner during this year's Alumni Weekend on the evening of Saturday, September 26, 2015. Online registration is now open at through September 13.

2015 Alumni Award Recipients

Stephen E. Beck Jr. '92: Humanitarian Alumni Award (awarded posthumously)
Thomas W. Bohn: James J. Whalen Meritorious Service Award
Kyle Clark '05: Outstanding Young Alumni Award
Adam B. Ellick '99: Humanitarian Alumni Award
Joan C. Kosta '62: Professional Achievement Award
Barry Mendelson '65: Lifetime Achievement Award
Kent Scriber '72: Edgar "Dusty" Bredbenner Jr. '50 Distinguished Alumni Award
Arlene Makransky Wolff '57: Volunteer Service Award

In addition, we will also present Carl Sgrecci '69 with the 2014 James J. Whalen Meritorious Service Award.

I'd like to thank Bill Stanwood '71 and the rest of the Ithaca College Alumni Association's Alumni Awards Committee for their hard work in selecting this year's slate.

The Ithaca College Alumni Association honors individuals whose outstanding professional accomplishments and volunteer services have contributed to the success and reputation of Ithaca College. Nominations are now being accepted for the 2016 awards; more information and a nomination form are available at

On behalf of the alumni association, I'd like to extend my congratulations to the 2015 winners.

Carrie Cadwell Brown
Executive Director, Alumni Relations

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