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Ithaca College ITS is pleased to announce that both Muller Faculty Center and Cerrache Center have now passed the Wi-Fi testing phase and are complete. Faculty, Staff and Students using those buildings should now enjoy strong, stable, robust Wi-Fi service.

The completion of these two buildings now marks the completion of the entire academic priority buildings.  We've run miles of cable and well over a thousand Access Points (APs) to provide reliable service to our campus community. The next steps are to get our student centered areas as well as our administrative buildings.  

A map of the work and a current schedule of buildings is available online:

As always, if you are experiencing network connection issues, please contact the Helpdesk 
at or 274-1000  

Other feedback or comments on the project can be sent to us via Twitter @IthacaITS

ITS is also on Facebook:

Muller Faculty Center and Cerrache Center Wi-Fi Completed | 0 Comments |
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