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Four more chances to see Shakespeare at Cornell Plantations!Contributed by Judith Andrew on 07/20/15 Ithaca Shakespeare Company's summer productions conclude this weekend with the final performances of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and "Henry IV". The second production in their epic series of Shakespeare's history plays, Henry IV: Banish All The World, features an epic battle sequence, family drama, and the comedy of the irresistible, irrepressible rogue, Falstaff. And the ever-fresh, ever-funny modern favorite, A Midsummer Night's Dream, showcases feuding fairies, a love quadrangle, and the best bad actors of all time. The following members of the Ithaca College community are involved in these plays: Actors Emily Loewus (Class of 2016, both shows), Michael Trimm (Class of 2016, both shows), Jelani Pitcher (Class of 2016, both shows), Brianna Ford (Class of 2016, both shows), Caroline Maloney (Class of 2018, Midsummer) Actors who are alumni: Dan Kiley (Henry), Kelly Fairbrother (Midsummer), Ben Bartell (both shows), Nick Shuhan (Henry), Nathaniel Fishburn (Henry), Eric Shaum (both shows). Ivy Stevens is stage manager (Alumna) Performances are Thursdays through Sundays, July 9-26 at the beautiful Cornell Plantations. For tickets and more information:
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