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Professor Peter Melcher (Biology) publishes a Commentary “Seeing into the xylem using non-invasive techniques provides clarity in understanding mechanisms involved in long-distance sap transport in plants”. This commentary discusses the importance of a recently published article (July, 2015): “Vulnerability to cavitation differs between current-year and older xylem: nondestructive observation with a compact MRI of two deciduous diffuse-porous species” by Kenji Fukuda, Daichi Kawaguchi, Tomo Aihara, Mayumi Y. Ogasa, Naoko H. Miki, Tomoyuki Haishi and Toshihiro Umebayashi.  Go to for more details.  Full print version will be out soon


Professor Peter Melcher (Biology) publishes a commentary in the peer-review journal Plant, Cell and Environment. | 0 Comments |
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