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ITS (Information Technology Services) would like to remind the community that we have completed an upgrade to the Optical Scanning software. Please refer to the Intercom notice Remark Classic OMR Optical Scanning Upgrade Information about the enhancements, features and changes in this upgrade.

There are new request forms to accommodate the release of three new reports, enhancements and changes to report numbers. Please discard all old request forms.

The new request forms are available at:

  • Please be sure to discard old request forms.

In Spring 2015, ITS released the new Charcoal form that is compatible with the Sakai Gradebook using Netpass User Name ID’s for students. The Charcoal form can also be used for exams in the same manner as the Blue and Green Scantron forms using student’s last name, first initial. There is a significant cost savings if you elect to use the Charcoal forms for exams instead of the Blue Scantron forms. Please contact Susan Shutts, Warehouse Operations Manager (607) 274-3694 or Stephen Watkins, Warehouse Inventory Clerk (607) 274-3156 for pricing and purchasing information. Please refer to the intercom notice Information about the Optical scanning Charcoal Scantron Form

Please contact Computer Operations at 274-3406 or email with any questions regarding the recent upgrade. Information is also available on the ITS Optical Scanning Services page.


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