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 Andrew Utterson, Assistant Professor of Screen Studies, recently delivered papers at two international conferences.

At the 25th Annual Screen Studies Conference (University of Glasgow, U.K.), in a paper entitled “Water Buffalo, Catfish, and Monkey Ghosts: Transmigratory Materialities in Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives,” he considered how metaphors of transmigration might be used to consider the changing “body” of cinema and the distinctive materiality of the medium of film in relation to digital formats.

At the 15th Annual European Cinema Research Forum (ECRF) Conference (National University of Ireland, Galway), in a paper entitled “Green Rays on Historical Horizons: Materiality and Place in Éric Rohmer’s Le Rayon vert and Tacita Dean’s The Green Ray,” he explored how the optics of the setting sun, as represented by two different filmmakers spanning two different eras, can be used to map broader historical changes in the technology of cinema.

Andrew Utterson, Assistant Professor of Screen Studies, recently delivered papers at two international conferences. | 0 Comments |
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