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NCC News (Newhouse Communications Center, Syracuse University) recently ran a story about a fascinating case involving an IC athlete with vocal cord dysfunction that was conducted by 2 IC Clinical Faculty members, Clinical Associate Professor of Athletic Training & Head Athletic Trainer, Mike Matheny, MS, ATC, and Clinical Assistant Professor of Speech Pathology & Clinic Director Mary Pitti, MS, CCC-SLP. The case is a result of an exciting and informative interprofessional collaboration between the Department of Exercise & Sport Sciences and the Department of Speech Language-Pathology and Audiology in the School of Health Sciences & Human Performance, and has lead to several forthcoming publications by the 2 professors. The story can be read and heard here

Athletic Training & Speech Language & Audiology Professors Garner Media Attention for Interprofessional Case on Vocal Cord Dysfunction in Athlete | 0 Comments |
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