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Jean Hardwick and students (Emily Powers, Biochemistry '15 and Shannon Ryan, Biology '12) publish manuscript.Contributed by Jean Hardwick on 08/18/15 Two former research students in Jean Hardwick's lab were co-authors on a manuscript published in the American Journal of Physiology in July. In addition, Jean Hardwick had another paper, based on research performed with collaborators at ETSU and UCLA, accepted for publication in the American Journal of Physiology. The paper describing the research performed at IC with students is entitled "Angiotensin receptors alter myocardial infarction-induced remodeling of the guinea pig cardiac plexus" and describes research designed to better understand the effects of the circulating hormone, angiotensin II, on the cells of the autonomic nervous system following a myocardial infarction. Hardwick, J.C., Ryan, S.E., Powers, E.N., Southerland, E.M., and Ardell, J.L. (2015). American Journal of Physiology; Regulatory, Integrative, and Comparative Physiology, 309: R179-188. The second paper, entitled "Vagus nerve stimulation mitigates intrinsic cardiac neuronal and adverse myocyte remodeling post myocardial infarction" describes collaborative work done with investigators at East Tennesse State University and UCLA. This study examined a potential therapeutic treatment, following myocardial infarction, to reduce negative symptoms. Beaumont, E., Southerland, E.M., Hardwick, J.C., Wright, G.L., Ryan, S., KenKnight, B.H., Armour, J.A., and Ardell, J.L. (2015). American Journal of Physiology; Heart and Circulatory Physiology, in press. Jean Hardwick and students (Emily Powers, Biochemistry '15 and ShannonRyan, Biology '12) publish manuscript. Comment from
rsulliva on
Congratulations to all! Professor Hardwick's long-standing commitment to
research with undergraduate students, often leading to publication, is worthy of more than a 'kudo.' It is a model of transformative education. Mentored research such as this, whether it is conducted in a laboratory, studio, library, or in the field, is one of the hallmarks of the Ithaca College experience - one that should be more widely recognized and celebrated. |
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