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Please join us Friday September 4th for a special exhibit opening to welcome back students and celebrate the debut of a new body of artwork in the Art Department's downtown gallery.


Andrea M. Aguirre and Tatiana Malkin, two BFA candidates, exhibit a culmination of work created in the Creative Space Gallery this summer as part of the IC Department of Humanities and Sciences Summer Scholar program. Showing completely self-directed work for the first time, this two-person exhibition reflects newfound artistic maturity and an abandonment of fear. With bioluminescence as her inspiration, Andrea M. Aguirre explores the traces of life and light surviving in her post-apocalyptic world, Egoluxe. Through examining inner and outer growth, Tatiana Malkin’s Growing Obsessions seeks to reconcile contradictions in organic nature and its underlying structure.


The opening will coincide with Ithaca's gallery night on September 4th at 4pm until 8pm. Enjoy music and refreshments on the new Downtown Ithaca Commons!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Bill Hastings at or (607) 274-3330. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Creative Space Gallery showcases new art exhibit by H&S Summer Scholars, Andrea Aguirre and Tatiana Malkin | 1 Comments |
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Creative Space Gallery showcases new art exhibit by H&S SummerScholars, Andrea Aguirre and Tatiana Malkin Comment from mdifrancesco on 08/26/15
Yey! Proud of you, Andrea!