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Paula Twomey, Spanish instructor in the Department of Languages and Literatures, has published ¡Improvisaciones!: 101 Skits With a Point of View en español with Teacher’s Discovery. This resource book fosters speaking skills in which each participant in a given situation presents a different point of view. This technique forces them to respond as that person. ¡Improvisaciones! holds students responsible for higher learning skills in addition to developing new vocabulary and grammatical structures. Each improvisation has a Reflection (writing component) that invites students to make a personal connection to the activity. Other titles by Twomey include Un-Classic Fairy Tales in Spanish with a Twist, Aesop’s Fables in Spanish With a Twist, Hablemos: 25 Dialogues in Spanish, Escribamos, Reflexiones and forthcoming in 2016, Greek Myths in Spanish With a Twist.

Paula Twomey, Spanish instructor in the Department of Languages and Literatures, has published with Teacher’s Discovery. | 0 Comments |
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