Are you thinking of studying abroad? Start the planning process early! Come learn more about your options at our various upcoming info sessions.
KNOW YOUR OPTIONS: Study abroad basics
This session provides an overview of all of the study abroad possibilities available to you as an IC student.
• Mon., 8/31; 6:00-7:00; Textor 103
• Wed., 9/9; 7:00-8:00; Textor 103
• Thurs., 9/10; 12:10-1:00; Textor 103
LONDON CENTER: Study in the heart of London
Learn everything you need to know about spending a summer or semester at the ICLC
• Mon., 8/31; 7:00-8:00; Textor 103
• Tues., 9/1; 12:10-1:00; Textor 103
• Wed., 9/9; 6:00-7:00; Textor 103
STUDY ABROAD PROGRAM Q&A: Get your questions answered!
Bring all of your questions about study abroad programs for in-depth answers and specific program information
• Thurs., 9/3; 12:10-1:00; Textor 103 (Focus on SIT affiliated programs)
• Tues., 9/8; 12:10-1:00; Textor 103
• Tues., 9/15; 12:10-1:00; Textor 103
• Thurs., 9/17; 12:10-1:00; Textor 103 (Focus on IES affiliated programs)
• Tues., 10/6; 12:10-1:00; Textor 101 (Focus on IES affiliated programs)
STUDY ABROAD ICE CREAM SOCIAL: Study abroad panel + make-your-own sundaes!
Hear from fellow IC students who have been abroad on a wide range of different programs, all while eating ice cream!
• Tues., 9/22; 6:00-7:00; Clarke Lounge
For more information, please contact the Office of International Programs at 274-3306 or
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Office of International Programs at 274-3306 or We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.