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The School of Music invites you to join Dean Karl Paulnack in the opening School of Music Convocation. The convocation will include performances by the School of Music strings faculty and the add5 Brass Quintet as well as some reflections by Dean Paulnack on the topic of "music as medicine.”  

Intended for all music majors, but open to the entire campus community, Convocation will begin at 8:15p.m. on Thursday, September 3 in Ford Hall of the Whalen Center for Music.

Note for music students: School of Music Convocations are designed to bring together all music majors at Ithaca College. Music students can receive recital attendance credit for this event by scanning into the convocation with your student ID. You must be registered for Required Recital Attendance (MUMC 10100) to receive this credit, if you are not, please see Shannon Hills in the Music Office.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the School of Music at 607-274-3717. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. 

School of Music Convocation to explore "Music as Medicine", presented by Dean Karl Paulnack | 0 Comments |
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