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On behalf of the search committee, I am pleased to share that Jennifer Campbell has been selected as Ithaca College's new associate vice president (AVP) of marketing communications. Jennifer comes to us from Cornell University, where she oversees communications for the university's advancement operations and is a member of the senior leadership team for its Division of Alumni Affairs and Development (AAD).

As director of communications for AAD, she helped produce the university's first-ever giving day last March; organized a yearlong campaign leveraging Cornell's sesquicentennial anniversary; refined the design, content, and purpose of Ezra magazine, a publication for donors; and led a comprehensive reform of the division's digital marketing efforts, among other roles.

Jennifer has been with Cornell for nearly a decade, having previously served as director of public affairs (2012) and program manager for CU Communications (2010–2012), and as AAD communications strategist and writer (2005–2010). Prior to her time at Cornell, she also held positions at the State University of New York at Buffalo, West Virginia University School of Medicine, and CLG Consulting.

I’d like to thank my fellow members of the search committee -- Benjamin Costello, David Weil, Gerard Turbide, Leah Richards, Michelle Hammond, Scott Hamula, and Leslie D'Arcy -- for their contributions and hard work in evaluating the strong pool of candidates. I also want to take this opportunity to extend my thanks to Bonny Griffith, who has served as interim AVP for the past year.

As AVP, Jennifer will be instrumental in guiding the Office of Marketing Communications as it takes a more strategic role in focusing on the college's highest institutional priorities. Please join me in welcoming her to Ithaca College when she begins her new role on November 2.

Thank you,

Chris Biehn
Vice President
Division of Institutional Advancement and Communication

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