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Sean Eversley Bradwell, CSCRE, and Belisa Gonzalez, CSCRE, presented their co-authored paper "Talking Ourselves into Change: Assessing the impact of a dialogue-based approach to ending systemic racism," at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems in Chicago, IL. This paper used findings from their three-year grant funded assessment of the Multicultural Resource Center's Talking Circles on Race and Racism, to discuss the relationship between talking and ending systemic racism.  

Sean Eversley Bradwell, CSCRE, and Belisa Gonzalez, CSCRE, present at conference | 1 Comments |
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Sean Eversley Bradwell, CSCRE, and Belisa Gonzalez, CSCRE, present atconference Comment from mriosdominguez on 09/09/15
Congratulations!! Thank you both for all that you do in our campus community and the Ithaca community!