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Sarah Morrisette (Hebert-Johnson) is conducting a project with Ithaca College and Longview (elders home across the street from IC) and is looking for interested students to participate. 




Sarah graduated as an acting major in 2013. Sarah is a facilitator of Theatre of the Oppressed, a type of social change theatre. Theatre of the Oppressed is based on the idea that everyone is an actor and can use theatre to rehearse for change in their current realities by playing out alternative scenarios. Through specific theatre techniques, actors can observe themselves and their habits and make conscious decisions toward change. Sarah has studied at the Center for Theatre of the Oppressed in Brazil and facilitated workshops in Mozambique, India, Pakistan and in the northeastern USA. 


We have seven eager Longview members participating and we are currently looking for seven IC students to join us. Theatre of the Oppressed exercises will be used to introduce the participants, raise awareness, open the senses and create a safe space. The participants will then be paired off, one IC student matched with one Longview member. The student will conduct an interview, asking questions about their partner’s childhood, career, passions, family etc. Using the material they collect, the student will then create a dramatic monologue from their partner’s point of view. The workshop will end in a public sharing, where monologues will be performed for an invited audience.




Thursday September 10th: 7-8:30pm (at IC)


Wednesday September 16th: 6:30-9pm (at Longview)


Friday September 18th: 6:30-9pm (at Longview)


Tuesday Sept 22nd: 6-9pm (at IC)


Friday September 25th: 6-9pm (at IC)


Wednesday September 30th: 7-8:30pm (Final Sharing at Longview)


If you are interested in participating or for more information, contact Sarah at

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Kathleen Mulligan at or (607) 274-3927. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Exciting Collaborative Theatre Project with Longview Residents Seeks Actors | 0 Comments |
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