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 IC PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America) Rush Night will take place tonight, Wednesday September 9th, at 7:10 PM in Park 285!

Our purpose begins with you. We want to help students start on their journey to achieve their goals. But first join us to see where you’re headed.

Our chapter is comprised of driven individuals who seek to become professionals and advance their public relations careers early on. As an organization, we are motivated to not only carry out the PRSSA mission, but to also empower our members via professional development, personal brand management and philanthropic events in the field of Public Relations.

To find out more about PRSSA, join us tonight, Wednesday September 9 at 7:10PM in Park 285, for our rush night!

**Next Wednesday (9/16), Jessica Kane will be joining our meeting via Skype to talk to us about her experiences as the Director of Millennial Outreach for Huffington Post!


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Carter Smalley at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

PRSSA Rush Night TONIGHT (Wednesday, 9/9)! | 0 Comments |
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