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Ithaca College Information Technology Services is proud to announce that the final building in our 2014/15 Wi-Fi project has been completed and now all buildings in the academic and administrative spaces have updated Wi-Fi.  All users across campus should now enjoy strong, stable, and robust Wi-Fi connections!

Twenty-nine buildings across campus arranged in order of academic, student-centered, and administrative spaces were included in the wireless expansion.  The result of the project brings more than triple the amount of current access points (APs) to campus. We upgraded switches, ran miles of cabling, and created an infrastructure necessary to create a modern robust Wi-Fi experience for our campus community. 

This project completely redefines the type of Wi-Fi service we supply, from an older model of coverage, to a state-of-the-art wireless environment based on individual capacity and coverage requirements of each of our spaces.  Our new Wi-Fi also accounts for users carrying multiple devices in those spaces and supports the latest Wi-Fi technology.

We are extremely proud of this project completion and thank the entire community for working with us to bring a much needed upgrade to campus.  Special thanks to the entire Wi-Fi project team, Apogee, and the building liaisons for all their hard work!

Fixing Wi-Fi was the number one requested issue that ITS was asked to accomplish from across the campus community and we have completed that task. We hope this moment will resonate with the campus and mark a shift in the way ITS works for you.  Thank you, and let's keep working together to make our campus even better than it already is!

A&E Center Wi-Fi complete - PROJECT COMPLETED! | 0 Comments |
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