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Submitted on behalf of Dr. Roger (Doc) Richardson:

The Council on Diversity and Inclusion (CODI) has recently been established to serve as a permanent standing council with responsibility for assessing, monitoring, and initiating recommendations to improve and enhance diversity and inclusion programs and policies and practices implemented at Ithaca College.   The Council reports to the Associate Provost for Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement, Dr. Roger (Doc) Richardson.

The Council on Diversity and Inclusion will be co-chaired by Dr. Belisa Gonzalez and Dean Linda Petrosino, and includes the following members:

Diana Dimitrova

Nicole Eversley Bradwell

Kirra Franzese

Menalie Hyde

Rosane Mordt

Dominick Recckio

Michelle Rios-Dominguez

Peter Rothbart (Temporary)

Ronald Trunzo

Establishment of "The Council on Diversity and Inclusion (CODI) | 0 Comments |
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