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ALANA Community Retreat

Contributed by RahK Lash on 09/14/15 

82 Students from the Ithaca College ALANA community loaded buses early Saturday morning, September 12, to attend the 5th Annual ALANA Retreat hosted by the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs (OSEMA). 

Students were afforded the opportunity to initiate relationships and establish connections with fellow members of the ALANA community. Attendees engaged in intentional conversations that explored their respective identities as ALANA students. IC staff and faculty members joined us to provide resources that will help our ALANA students achieve academic excellence, personal success, growth, and development.

OSEMA would like to thank all of our students for attending and engaging. We would also like to thank all of our guests for their time, wisdom, advice, and resources.

As we kick off Latino Heritage Month we hope to see all of our Ithaca College community in attendance! 

-Malinda B. Smith (Director of Multicultural Affairs)

-RaKim "RahK" Lash (Assistant Director for Multicultural Affairs)


ALANA Community Retreat | 1 Comments |
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ALANA Community Retreat Comment from neversley on 09/16/15
Thank you for inviting me. What a great afternoon!