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  • Tuesday, September 22nd for elections. Please plan to attend this meeting so that we can elect our new officers.
  • Thursday, September 24th to discuss fundraising ideas and t-shirt designs so please brainstorm some ideas and share them at the meeting.

There is a new position that has been created on the e-board, the Social Media Chair Duties:

  • Post about meetings, social events and speakers on Facebook and/or Twitter.
  • Present at e-board meetings which take place Mondays at 7pm.

If anyone is interested in running for this position, please send us an email (IthacaCollege PreMedSociety, Interested members will give a brief speech at the meeting next Tuesday during elections.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Nancy Pierce at or (607) 274-3161.. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

PREMED STUDENTS -- Mark you calendar--Meetings and E-Board Opening | 0 Comments |
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