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Not sure how to relate your skills and experiences on a resume or cover letter to the RA, SLC, President’s Host, etc. position that you’re applying for? (Did you even know you’re supposed to do that?) Career Services offers daily drop-in hours during which you can get help with customizing resumes and cover letters to particular positions, as well as preparing for interviews.

So whether you’re applying for on- or off-campus positions, internships, or graduate school, we can help you develop your materials. You can also receive assistance with:

Drop-ins are offered as follows: Monday – Thursday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. & Friday 12 - 3 p.m.

Connect with Career Services: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram & YouTube.

Applying to Leadership Positions on Campus? Stop by Career Services First! | 0 Comments |
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