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 Contributed on behalf of Yolanda Clarke, Manager of Tutoring Services:

Tutoring Services is looking for temporary, Fall semester only tutors in:

ACCT 224 - Reporting and Decision Making in IMC; ACCT 225 - Financial Accounting; ARAB 101 - Elementary Arabic I; BIOL 102 - Biology of Sex; BIOL 107 - Human Genetics; BIOL 110 - History of Life on Earth; CHEM - several chemistry courses; ECON 121 - Principles of Macroeconomics; ECON 122 - Principles of Microeconomics; EXSS 321 - Exercise Physiology; FINA 311 - Business Finance; FINA 321 - Security Analysis and Portfolio Management; HLTH 207 - Microbiology for the Health Sciences; MGMT 260 - Business Systems and Technology;  PSYC - several psychology courses; THEA 130 - Script Analysis for Theatre; TVR 121 - Intro to Mass Media.

Selection based on grades, experience, faculty recommendation, and the ability to hit the ground running!  One information session on logging hours and sessions, and the completion of IC SHARE online sexual harassment education is the only training required.  NOTE:  This is a Fall semester only position.  

Teaching Assistants, Juniors and Seniors encouraged to apply but others will be considered.  

Must be able to commit to a minimum of 2 hours per week of tutoring.

Compensation is $8.75 per hour.

Apply online at!


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Heather Crider at or (607) 274-3381. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Hiring Temporary (Fall Semester Only) Tutors in Critical Courses | 0 Comments |
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