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On days that classes are in session there is a shuttle that provides transportation between Longview and the College in the morning, with stops at the Center for Health Sciences and Textor Circle. This shuttle is available to members of both the Longview and Ithaca College Communities.  

There have been a number of recent revisions made to this schedule, particularly on the Tuesday/Thursday runs.


A copy of the revised schedule is posted on the Gerontology Institute website at: and hard copies are available in the Information rack outside of the Institute on the second floor of Job Hall.  Please be aware that the ‘no stop’ notations on the schedule are generally used to expedite the transportation of Longview resident ‘students’ to classes they are taking in buildings that are not on the regular shuttle route.

The shuttle stops at the Center for Health Sciences (by the entrance that faces the F-Parking Lot) and Textor Circle on most, but not all, runs. 

There are sometimes slight changes made to this schedule to accommodate course related activities that require the transport of IC students to Longview.  Any significant or ongoing changes made to the existing schedule will be posted to Intercom. 

If the shuttle is canceled due to bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances, a notice will be posted on the Gerontology Institute web address listed above. 

Contact for Questions:

Christine Pogorzala
IC/Longview Coordinator
607-274-1051 /



The Longview/Ithaca College Shuttle: Schedule Revision | 0 Comments |
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