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The Academic Advising Center and the Center for Academic Advancement will be honoring Sophomores with free Purity ice cream on Thursday, October 1 from 2-4.   

Please stop by for your free scoop of ice cream.  Sophomores will also have the opportunity to enter a raffle for one of two Purity Ice Cream gift cards. 

The event will take place at the Academic Advising Center in Rothschild Place, located between the Park School of Communications and the tennis courts.

We look forward to seeing you Thursday!  For further information please contact the Academic Advising Center at 607-274-1001 or

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Jessica LeMore at or (607) 274-1001. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Attention students: Today is Sophomore Scoops!! | 0 Comments |
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