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Please join us as math majors Lima Hossain and Emily Barrett will give presentations on their summer work.

Tuesday October 6th, 4pm in Williams 309

Risk Adjustment Intern at Excellus BlueCross Blue Shield, Emily Barrett

I spent my summer completing a 10-week internship with Excellus BlueCross BlueShield. I worked under the Risk Adjustment Department as a targeting analyst primarily with Beth Kinsman. My work focused on using vender campaigns to target potential revenue through medical chart retrieval.

Price Elasticity of Water for the Town of Ithaca, Lima Hossain

The Town of Ithaca Water Conservation Board expressed interest in changing the current water price system to encourage water conservation efforts of the town without compromising the revenue of the local water plant, Bolton Point. By taking seasonal changes, price changes and change of water usage into account I analyze how price changes would affect water usage and Bolton Point’s revenue. The method used to calculate this is through a fixed effect regression on a panel of five municipalities over 32 quarters in which the municipalities have changed their prices at different times and by different amounts. This estimator indicates that water is an inelastic commodity for the Town of Ithaca. The estimator is smaller than most estimators that have been reported in similar studies. For the town of Ithaca, demand is responsive to the price, which is beneficial for water conservation efforts but inelastic, which is beneficial for the revenue of Bolton Point.

Math majors present summer research work, October 6th | 0 Comments |
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