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The app "Push For Pizza was built by five college-aged dudes with a simple dream: a world where you can push a button and get a pizza. But unlike most college-aged dudes, they had what it took to make their dream a reality. They built Push For Pizza and forever changed the way people ordered pizza.   On Monday, October 5th, the creators of Push For Pizza will be on campus to talk about how they turned an idea into a business, what it's like to work with friends, and why it's totally possible for you to be your own boss right out of college. They will also be giving away a "Pizza Scholarship" (a semester of free 'za delivery) to one lucky Bomber in attendance.   See you in BUS 111 from 8-9pm!  

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Nora Noone at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Calling all potential entrepreneurs (or those who just like pizza) to the PIZZA LECTURE! | 0 Comments |
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