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Mara Baldwin, director of Ithaca College's Handwerker Gallery, has been commissioned by Facebook to install a large scale wall drawing in their Astor Place offices in Manhattan, NYC.

After receiving an invitation to build a proposal under the oversight of Facebook's curator, Dina Pugh, Baldwin's submission was selected for a 7th-floor office expansion overseen by renowned architect Frank Gehry. Her new work will be in good company with pieces by artists Jennifer Maravillas, Kellie Bowman, Greg LaMarche, Johnny Abrahams, Matt Shlian, Paul Wackers, and Gabriel Dawe, among others. Documentation and progress will be updated through Facebook's Artist-In-Residence page:<>  Mara Baldwin will be working on this site-specific piece October 7-18, 2015.


Mara Baldwin is a maker of objects and drawings which explore the liminal space between real and imagined narratives from utopian literature, folk tales, ghost stories, and pulp paper-back science fiction. Her research and studio practice focus particular attention on the historical spaces, writings, and makings of women. She received her MFA from the California College of the Arts (2010) and her BFA from Wesleyan University (2006).  She currently lives in Ithaca, New York, and has worked at Ithaca College's Handwerker Gallery since 2011 as Assistant Director (2011-2012), Acting Director (2012-2013), and Director (2013-ongoing).

Gallery Director Mara Baldwin Commissioned by Facebook for Site-Specific Installation | 2 Comments |
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Gallery Director Mara Baldwin Commissioned by Facebook for Site-SpecificInstallation Comment from cdail on 10/05/15
Incredible! Congratulations, Mara!
Gallery Director Mara Baldwin Commissioned by Facebook for Site-SpecificInstallation Comment from millman on 10/07/15