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Please join us as Agnes Tuska, Professor in the Department of Mathematics at California State University, Fresno presents "Geogebra, A Tool for Mathematical Explorations" in Williams 309 at 4pm.


GeoGebra, developed first by Markus Hohenwarter and perfected by an international community of volunteers, is an open source and multi-platform dynamic mathematics software program for schools that joins geometry, algebra and calculus. It is an easy-to-use, versatile tool for visualizing mathematical concepts from elementary through college level. GeoGebra offers the opportunity for teachers to create interactive learning environments to foster experimental and discovery learning.

My goal is to highlight examples of the use of GeoGebra in various courses, projects, and professional development workshops for teachers at my university.

Math Colloquium Tuesday Oct 20, 4pm: Geogebra | 0 Comments |
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