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SGA Meeting 10/12/15 Minutes

Contributed by Dominick Recckio on 10/15/15 

 Get a closer look at SGA! Here are the minutes from our meeting on Monday, October 12th! 




Ithaca College Student Government Association

Senate Meeting Agenda

Monday, October 12, 2015 7:30pm – Taughannock Falls Room




I.                              Call to Order.


II.                           Roll Call:




Left Early:


III.                      Approval of the minutes


Jonathan Couce


IV.                       Guest Speakers


A.         Provost Benjamin Rifkin

ü  How many of you know what a provost does?

ü  Most colleges and universities are administered by a team of people who are lead by an individual with a title by president or chancer.

ü  President has a council of individuals with the title of vice president.

ü  Vice presidents have portfolios or assignments, we have a VP of finance and administration. VP for enrollment management. VP responsible for human and legal resources. VP for advancement. Many campuses there are two VPs who do what he does, he combines two portfolios.

ü  Answers for academic affairs: Everything that has to do with everything related to the fact that you take classes.

ü  Hire faculty members, question of their promotion and tenure.

ü  Most recent major to be added was architectural studies.

ü  Answers for student affairs: have responsibility for things related to athletics. Residence life, OSEMA, student organizations, fall welcome.

ü  Challenges: on other campuses there are two people doing this, and he is the only one on this campus. It is a challenge.

ü  Very interested in what are called by scholars of higher education, in high impact learning experiences.

ü  Internships

ü  Study abroad

ü  Undergraduate research

ü  Community based learning

ü  The research shows that students who participate in these experiences are more likely persist in college experience to get the degree, they report extraordinary sense of fulfillment experience.

ü  All of his students say their experience studying abroad has changed their life.

ü  Every student reports that they came back a different person.

ü  Having a minor isn’t going to change your life.

ü  Goal at Ithaca is to work with our community to figure out the obstacle that exists that are preventing students to participate in these experiences.

ü  How can we have more opportunities to participate in these experiences and have them more profound in their nature.

ü  Study abroad isn’t for anybody.

ü  Between the range of those experiences there is something for everybody.

ü  Taking steps to try and increase in our community a sense of respect and compassion.

ü  Participated in a group called circle of compassion, if there are ways we can approach that at Ithaca, that could be another way to have impact on students.

ü  We focus a great deal on the intellectual part of the experience, but he wants student’s hearts to grow.

ü  So much more aware of how he can teach us Russian then he is on any kind of learning experience to make our hearts grow.

ü  Want to make student’s emotional intelligence grow.



Q: What are some of the identified high impact learning programs?

A: Ithaca Seminar. Capstone experience. Required writing courses. We don’t count the experiences reliably. Have two different ways of having an internship, one is built into an academic course, easy to count. Non credit internship, we are not tracking that. Undergraduate Research, some people engage through independent study. We need to do better at counting this because if there is one thing he wants people to remember is to be careful to count what you value because by default you value what you count. Obstacles: Money. If we have more money to offer students who come from a family of financial needs that would allow them to have an unpaid internship.

Kyle James:

Q: Between the Blue Skies event and the AE Pi event what caused advancement in the on campus event?

A: Contrary to what some may believe. Leadership of this college is made of human beings who are trying to handle a lot of things at a time. Thing unfolded the way they did. Had everyone’s heart in mind.


Q: Why did you go from being a dean at College of NJ to being a at Ithaca?

A: Was very happy at College of NJ. Got a call that he had been nominated for the provost position here. Was flattered, wasn’t sure he was going to apply until he was told that the president was going to create a program that the learning experience included not only an academic program but an integrative program as well. Trying to find his way in this new roll only been four and a half months.


Q: What do you think of the ICC? What areas do you think can be improved?

A: the curriculum at any accredited American college or university is owned the faculty. Has limited power to change curriculum. Can advocate and speak out. Do not know enough about the ICC.  Any college or university makes a significant change to its program finds there has to be minor revisions. When faculty are developing a new educational program, innovation vs. complexity. Our faculty chose to go an innovative way that they didn’t think would be complex. Welcome student contributions to the conversation.


Q: Are their any initiatives that you are working on to make a more integrative and collaborative campus?

A: ICC is deigned to help address this. Before the ICC there wasn’t a campus wide set of requirements. Hope that that will have an impact. Students make friends with who they live with freshmen year, because you don’t live by major that is a path forward. The way that we use org sync. More and more clubs and organizations are using that. We are hoping that will encourage students to get involved in organizations that aren’t tied with their major.


Q: A lot of internships are becoming ones where you need to get credit, other side is to get credit you need to pay the school, how does that work?

A: that is why we need to figure out ways to help the students who aren’t financially stable. My goal is to work with the VP of advancement to speak to donors who would be excited to donate money to that. If we could do this, we can attract the best and brightest not worrying about their background.


Q: In public letter I said the Blues skies kick off was exclusive, have any conversations have been had about that?
A: Blue skies event wasn’t designed to be exclusive. Everyone who wanted to attend, attended. We aggressively kept on sending reminders. Reached out to so many organizations to get people to come. One of the challenges is when you are going to do it. Come early leave late, come late leave early. They tried to be as inclusive as possible.

Kyle James:

Q: What follow up is being done by administration to prevent occurrences like that happening in the future?

A:  Have nothing more to say about this.


Q: How can you be inclusive with students on the table about questions about blue skies? Were there students involved in the planning of Blue Sky.

A: I don’t know.


V.                           New Business

ª          Motion to open reduce Quorum-By 2

ª          Second: Joseph

All those in favor :9


A.         FASFA Bill (Allen)

ü  Targets first generation students and students at lower income

ü  When applying here filling out FASFA etc. she had to do her own.

ü  Ithacan article spoke about first year college students.

ü  Thought it would be a good idea to speak with financial aid to set up a workshop on ways to fill out FASFA.

ü  Learning about loans you already have.

ü   Reached out to director of financial aid, there was communication through email.

ü  Meeting with director of ALANA tomorrow.

ü  Being efficient on when to bring in FASFA, knowing about loans and scholarships.

  Moving to 5 Minutes of Questions:


  Q: At what point is the burden put on the student to go to the Financial aid office and ask           them what to do? As oppose to a large presentation.

  A: Mostly because it is being in the shows of a first year college students, it is not the same as making it a thing where you can do it with other people you feel comfortable about.


Q: How are you going to approach the first generation students who might not know about it?
A: The director will have a lot more information. He will have good ways; they have lots of ALANA retreats.

Motion to Extend the question and answer by 5 minutes: Seandre

Second: Matilda


Q: How is this more beneficial?

A: I have experienced this and seen it work.


Q: Is there a club on campus that is for first generation college students? Do you think if it would be done there would be a better way to target these students?

A: Specifying within the ALANA community, making it a club. Would go from ALANA as a stepping point.

Q: How do you get students to come to this?

A: Trying to think of ways to. The people she has spoke to and experiencing it herself, it it so beneficial to. A lot of people thought it was a good idea and helpful. If you have a focus group and then spread the word.

Moving into Discussion

Dom: Think this is awesome, great effort in a bill.

Lima: Suggestion for marketing it, make it into a SLI session where it will reach a broader audience not just ALANA students.

Kyle: First as a student of first generation FASFA, doesn’t have a family into accounting, has gone to Financial aid. Can say this is needed, the help for financial aid is limited. Honors program ran a program similar to this. Sessions were filled. If you advertise it as a way for students to help save money, people will come.

Megan: FASFA should be all capital. Looking into constructing an overall first generation thing. A more general audience to target. Suggest reaching out to students running other programs.

Dom: Good point Megan.

Matilda: Talking about this in the context of diversity and inclusion that is where the ALANA idea came up. There is time to flesh it out.

Dom: talked to different representatives of ALANA. This will be successful because it does target groups of first generation.

Kaitlin: (friendly amends) Move Director of ALANA to assistant Director Multicultural Affairs.

Motion to move to previous question: Matilda

Second: Kaitlin

Bill is passed.


B.         SOTSA (Kyle Stewart)

ü  State of Student Address.

ü  Tabled last week, came back with a researched bill.

ü  Commitment to excellence.

ü  Acknowledge more issues we have on campus and present solutions to solve those issues.

ü  Called for increased transparency.

ü  Resolved that we present a state of student address to solve problems.

ü  Time constraints: Bill has been changed to have one state of student address for first semester and two addresses for the second semester.

ü  Content is the same.

ü  Bill includes some of the background on why we chose these issues.

ü  There will be one entire video with the entire state of student address but will also have segment videos that will be shared.

ü  Entire video will be available.

ü  Finalizing the contents of the address. Have to include new issues as they arise. 

ü  Set up of how it will look.

ü  Within the communications committee, creating a marketing engagement structure releasing the video.

ü  Will create an entire structure that will have ready before hand in place.

ü  Have as many people as possible.

ü  Facebook ads, YouTube videos.

Moving to 5 Minutes of Questions and Answers


Q: General date where this would like to be out?

A: Would like to have this out before Thanksgiving.


Q: Is there a way to get specific student feedback, to know what segment was most possible?

A: updated website will have a whole section for polling. 


Q: When it says email list serve is that through OSEMA? Is there anything for students to give feedback on?

A: Yes.  Yes. That will be part of the communication structure. Will have the entire committee work on that. Open up the channels, two-way street on how to have good communication.


Q: Seminars we have common hours, is there anyway to throw this into a common hour?

A: Want to build a relationship with freshmen and professors.

Moving to 5 minutes of discussion.

Megan: This is put together a lot better than last week. Good job. Suggest to maybe highlight more of your intent to collect feedback in this.

Dom: Chose these because of recent discussions we’ve had with students. Love the idea of creating some sort of continuous feedback loop. Will hopefully be able to post this embedded into a page. Can work with making them transparent. Encourage Kyle to talk to Communications Committee to analyze all of the comments within all of the sharing’s.

Kaitlin: Thought it was really good. Good plan to do it.

Matilda: We should want to fire out feedback so we shouldn’t keep doing this if we don’t get feedback.

Kyle: Friendly amend to change block to semester.

Dom: Agree it is tough to get student feedback on things. Our student body needs to be more engaged and we are just not. Students are willing to get engaged but in my experience we do not have students who are highly engaged. I think if we don’t get a lot of feedback it is still worth doing.

Motion to extend discussion by 3 minutes: Ezeka

Second: Matilda

Kaitlin: Friendly amend to change block to semester.

Move to precious question: Kaitlin

Second: Atilla


In Favor: 7

Bill is passed.

C.         Committee Representation Bill (Kyle James)

ü  Calling for committee representation.

ü  SGA and the student body can place students on some committees.

ü  A lot of issues like parking policy.

ü  There are some where students don’t have representation on.

ü  This bill calls for more students on those committees.

ü  Except for the faculty promotion and tenure committee which is a faculty structure.

ü  There is faculty council, staff council and SGA

ü  All these three bodies should be held at an equal standing.

ü  More of a formalized structure.

ü  Next step is releasing this to provost.

ü  VP discuss.

ü  What committees exist at this college? Who sits on these committees and what does representation look like?

ü  Creating an amendment.

ü  Create an online structure that shows who sit on what committee and how to contact them.

Moving to 5 minutes of Questions and Answers:


Q: Why did you pick number 2:

A: On a lot of committees there are two members. Two is the current default. At least two. Try to chose the wording to make this as feasible as possible.


I have had experience where there is only one student, and there was no point of that.


Q: How would they be picked?

A: Intercom announcement. Emails. We put forth two slots. In the future we will put out that we have open spots on committees on intercom. The can fill out a form and contact us.

Moving to 5 minutes of Discussion:

Dom: I nominate most people for committees. It is very tough to reach pat my circle. Still have committees where I need students on. Difficult dialogue series committee, two student co-chairs for that committee, one of them is doing a spectacular job as a co-chair. First time I have ever seen a student co-chairing a college committee. Do want to see a follow up to see students be chairs and co chairs.

Kyle: We have consult of the senate in the bill.

Motion to move to previous question: Kaitlin

Second: Atilla


Approve: 8

Oppose 2

Bill is passed.


Motion to close new business: Ezeka.


VI.                       Continuing Business:

Kyle: LGBT course will be offered next semester. Also a good chance it will be offered for the next school year as well. Committee is coming. 


Motion to open officer reports: TJ

Second: Charles



ü  Thank you for your good questions.

ü  I wish he would have talked more about Blue Skies.

ü  Student Bill of Rights, during fall break/ after, I am honing in on it.

ü  Starting to move it toward the next step and wont stop working on it.

ü  Sent out an email about getting home safe.

ü  Was encourage to do that.

ü  When SGA sends that, I will run that by the Senate, I felt a time crunch thing on that because the parties are on the weekend. Potential for fatal accidents.

ü  Have one pubic email per semester, that wasn’t it.

ü  Blue Skies letter that I wrote, you don’t have to agree with me on that. Not on behalf of SGA, on behalf of myself.

ü  Believe that we more student voices.

ü  Ask the student body to be more engaged, but that starts with us. Read Intercom.

ü  Get SGA out there on a personal level.

ü  SGA has initiative working to push back on inclusivity.

ü  Bill of Rights is the most inclusive I could get.


Kyle Stewart:

ü  If you agree with Dom’s letter share it.

ü  Get the word out about it. It will be in Ithacan online.

ü  Towers dining hall has a stage now.

ü  Working with them to hold events.

ü  Used to be the TC lounge now they are trying to replace it.

ü  Holding events there, doing SGA events there. Open mic nights. Coming soon.

ü  Late night will have some events going on.

ü  Communications Committee our time will be 6:30pm on Monday nights.

ü   Start working on communications structure.

ü  SGA newsletter is in the works.

ü  Email, SGA New, Polling, Surveys, meet your representatives. Will go out once a week to reach more people. A nice design to it. To track who opens and reads through it.



ü  Didn’t get a lot of responses.

ü  In terms of walking home face, please walk home safe.

ü  Make sure you take care of yourself and take a break.

ü  Midterms are stressful.


Kyle James:

ü  Course evaluations: Ezeka, Kaitlin.

ü  Two weeks there will be a shared government’s bill. Me my two assistants will be sharing it.

ü  When we bring in people, make sure you have questions prepared.

ü  It is our responsibility to ask these questions.

ü  Keep putting pressure on.

ü  Watch the opinion section for the Ithacan on Thursday.



ü  Make sure you are asking questions.

ü  Any suggestions on guests I could bring in.

ü  Emailed some of you about one on ones.

ü  Email me back soon.

ü  Have a great fall break.

ü  Bill intent due tomorrow.


Sierra Lukas:

ü  No Update.



ü  At the board meeting that happened, my position was extended for another year.

ü  Will be going away next semester if there is anyone interested in representing SGA.

ü  The Red Campaign, you give a red shirt in to get a CORTACA shirt, goal is to reduce hostility. Go to Facebook page and check out designs. Trying to do the same thing at Cortland.


Motion to Close officer reports: Kaitlin

Second: Charles


Open Agenda:

Kaitlin: Thanks for the Placards Marieme. Thanks to Dom and Kyle. Can we bring snaps back to the meeting? If you agree with someone you snap.

Megan:  Want to bring this up when Ezeka, confused with the bill process, why that should be framed as a bill.

Dom: Having it as a bill is to make sure that other students agree that it is a thing and that it is something that should happen. The reason we pass internal bills is to ensure check and balance within the organization. Encourage for everyone to go through the constitution and go through the bill process. Everything should come thorough as a bill.

Kyle James: If SGA passes something it puts a higher importance on it in the eyes of administration.

Lima: Fun thing for SGA to participate in. Young Women Council, she participated in it. Dedicated to improve the lives of women and girls. Biggest event coming up over fall break, stop 5k run, hosted to raise awareness of sexual assault on campus. Hosting a photo contest where anyone can take a picture with a catchy phrase that raises awareness.

Motion to Close Open Agenda: Megan

Second: Ezeka.


Call for acclamation

Meeting adjourned.


End time: 9:39 

SGA Meeting 10/12/15 Minutes | 0 Comments |
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