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On Thursday, October 22 at 6PM in Textor 101, IC China Care Club will be holding a question and answer session with Ausannette Garcia-Goyette, the China Care Clubs Coordinator at Half The Sky.

IC China Care Club is an organization committed to raising awareness and funds for Chinese orphans in order to provide developmental programs that support trust and emotional growth. This academic year, we will be raising money for Half The Sky's Infant Nurture Program which provides orphaned babies and toddlers in China with loving attention and aids them in forming connections with adults to promote healthy development.

We will be screening a short video on Half the Sky and what the organization has been doing to improve the care being given to orphans in China. Then, we will be skyping with Ausannette Garcia-Coyette, the China Care Clubs Coordinator, in Textor 101 at 6PM on Thursday, October 22. She will be explaining her role with China Care Clubs across the country and with Half the Sky, as well as be answering questions regarding the conditions of orphanages in China, how she became involved in her role, and why the state of the child welfare system in China should be important to all of us. Audience members are welcome to ask Ausannette any questions that they have!

Inside Orphanages: Skype Session with Ausannette Garcia-Goyette | 0 Comments |
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