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Professor Barney Beins (Psychology) received the Distinguished Contribution Award from the New England Psychological Association and gave at invited address at its annual convention.

The award that is presented at the convention is recognition of contributions to the discipline and to the association over the course of one's career. In addition, he presented an invited address entitled I Think, Therefore I Am A Psychology Major: Psychology and Critical Thinking.

Barney Beins (Psychology) Receives Award and Gives Invited Presentation | 3 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Barney Beins (Psychology) Receives Award and Gives Invited Presentation Comment from kreeter on 10/21/15
Congratulations Barney from an appreciative student!
Barney Beins (Psychology) Receives Award and Gives Invited Presentation Comment from jpenaper on 10/23/15
Congratulations Barney.
Barney Beins (Psychology) Receives Award and Gives Invited Presentation Comment from malpass on 10/23/15
Congratulations Barney! Glad to see all your distinguished service and
scholarship to the regional (and national) institutions being rewarded. Richly