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Maggie Growls film screening

Contributed by Teri Reinemann on 10/27/15 

The Ithaca College Gerontology Institute presents:

Maggie Growls
Thursday, October 29
7:00-9:00 PM
Textor Hall, Room 102
Ithaca College 

“Speak your mind - even if your voice shakes, for well-aimed slingshots can topple giants.” – Maggie Kuhn, 1905-1995

Free and open to the public. Discussion to follow.

"MAGGIE GROWLS is a documentary film portrait by Barbara Attie and Janet Goldwater of the amazing, canny, lusty, charming and unstoppable Maggie Kuhn (1905-1995), who founded the Gray Panthers in 1970 after being forced to retire from a job she loved. Her outrage and determination fueled a political chain reaction that forever changed the lives of older Americans, repealing mandatory retirement laws and proving that "old" is not a dirty word... Maggie created one of the most potent social movements of the century - one that was committed to justice, peace and fairness to all, regardless of age."

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Teri Reinemann at or (607) 274-1607. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

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