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Do you love dodgeball?

Contributed by Maggie Wetter on 10/23/15 

Do you love dodgeball? Do you love Halloween? Grab a team and get ready to play this Halloween, October 31st, from 1-3 pm in the fitness center!

This event is hosted by the Sophomore Class Council but all classes are welcomed. A prize will be awarded for best team costume and first place in the tournament! Also, sophomores—want to know more about what’s going on with your class? Make sure to like “Stay in the Loop with IC 2018”  on facebook for updates about all the great events your class council is throwing this year!

 Individuals seeking accommodations are encouraged to provide as much advance notice as possible to Requests should be made at a minimum of 3 days (72 hours) in advance, so that there is sufficient time to provide accommodations.


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