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Please join the Chemistry Department in welcoming Kirk Macolini, Founder & President of Centurion Technology on Tuesday, October 27th in CNS 333 @ 12:05 pm.

Kirk Macolini will visit the Chemistry Department this Tuesday to discuss his work as Founder and President of Centurion Technology. 

"Skills for Grant Writing and Contracts"


Federal funded research grants and contracts can be significant catalysts for science and technology start-up ventures.  However, the program is extremely competitive - particularly in times when private financing is scarce and federal budgets are tight.  The process can be fraught with bureaucratic hurdles and conceptual challenges; proposals must be crafted carefully to avoid ‘rookie’ mistakes, and each agency has its own set of rules, processes, and quirks. More significantly, the competitive environment for federal research funding is an inefficient market.   This seminar will explore how this inefficiency can be exploited to enhance proposal success rates.  While the seminar focuses on research grants and contract for start-up ventures – the skills apply to traditional federal research funding for academic institutions.

Seminar will be on Tuesday, October 27th in CNS 333 @ 12:05 pm. Refreshments will be provided so please bring your own mug to reduce, reuse, and recycle. 

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Please make requests for accommodations as soon as possible. 

See full schedule for our Fall Seminar series here. View other IC events here.  

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